Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Magnets da Vinci

Good day fellow travelers of the interweb! In keeping with my celebrations of hand-eye coordination, today I performed a brilliant skillet flip of over-easy eggs. It was bellissimo!

Whilst doing my laundry, I came across an article about how many Tulsa-area school boards are suing our Attorney General, Scott Pruitt, for directing public school funds to send disabled peoples to private schools. This is interesting, I would think the funds should go specifically to improving the public sector's means of accommodating disabled persons, especially as the disabled population isn't going anywhere.
Perhaps initial investments may seem more costly than utilizing the private options, but the long run will prove the success of our public system if we act towards it. We'll never see our systems evolve if we don't give into them. Just because our financial system is screwed up doesn't mean we should live in fear of (smart) investing, speaking in general, this will only pull us further away from the future and regress our economy to the point of implosion. That's how I feel, at least.
< Scott Pruitt, Attorney General of Oklahoma

Speaking of feelings, let's talk about romance. Magnetism is quite a unique thing, who you're drawn to, what you're drawn to, and some venture to wonder... why you're drawn. Let's not argue with magnetism, rather, let us discuss it. I really just used romance and feelings as a segue, sorry to those wanting to delve into matters of the heart :/. I've been thinking about magnets lately. There exists extensive untapped potential with magnets and electromagnetic forces that I'm 100% convinced will play pivotal roles in the explosion of energy "producing" (more like harnessing) technology. We'll say magnets are the shoulders of the energy revolution! Be excited. They also are going to be involved with innovative mass transit systems. This is something that will be very handy.

I need to set my hand to fixing up this place, layouts, graphics, gizmos and gadgets, etc. Soon enough Red Cobbler will flourish with a brilliant display! In the mean time, thanks for putting up with the clouds ;).

Oh, I was about the town on some errands and I came across a book sale. Naturally I chose to peruse the shelves/disheveled floor space of this little establishment and I found and purchased an old volume on Leonardo da Vinci; it should make for a grandfully enlightening read.

Revel in the glory of each day, love the wind as it caresses your face, take hold of the beauty you find and don't let it go. Now is the time for you pick up your feet and dance with the sun. We haven't a moment to lose, take my hand and we'll waltz until we fly!




  1. This maglev is excellent, I do like it. This is the beginning of something even more awesome!
